Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ReFocus; July 2009, After National Championships

And life goes on...

After all my focus on Nationals, it is wonderful to redirect that focus on all the good work being accomplished at 'Dream For The Stars'. Does a heart good!

Alfie, my little rescue dog, who was so abused when he arrived that he didn't make noise for 2 years, is busting out in joy to hear that we are also focusing on the pets that need our help & support to find loving homes.

I got a new electric bass to help me get my groove back... so music is a happening thing

And I still have racing goals to make with my racing team--TriStar MedPlan...
Last week I finished the Master's National Championships among the top ten overall women in my category-- #9, to be precise. I did get 'on the podium' for Time Trialing! There are 5 podium spots; I was fifth. But that was my goal; it was quite difficult to achieve, and I did it. So Happy.
Who could believe that an arthritic asthmatic, who's missing half her veins, has a bad ankle, and 'heart issues', riding on borrowed wheels* could do such a thing? Yes, its rhetorical, maybe... But if you had any doubt about God, He is all-powerful.**

Now, time to plan a ride for 'Dream For The Stars'. Because without the belief that I don't need to be held down and pushed back by feelings of unworthiness, I could never have become a National Champion.
September 12th we will ride out to show that 'overcoming' is for everyone.

*Special thanks to Richard for the wheel and the above pictures. Thanks to Tamara for the wheel, and to Dave for the disc.
**thanks to Char and the others (you know who) for the prayer-power;